
When They Came

By Bubaraye Dakolo

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The Ibenanaowei ta of the Ijaw Kingdom of Ekpetiama which is located by the beautiful banks of the River Nun in Bayelsa State of Nigeria, surely knows the enormity of the responsibility she bears. She knows quite well that her role is to complement that of the Ibenanaowei of Ekpetiama, who is not only the custodian of the culture and traditions of the Ijaws of Ekpetiama, but also symbolize them in every way at all times. As a perfect fit, she has been perfectly discharging that role of hers for about a decade now.

And yesterday, a day after the birthday of the Ibeneneowei of Ekpetiama Kingdom, came the lords of discipline themselves to the Palace of Agada IV, at Gbarantoru in Ekpetiama Kingdom. And the Igirigi 1 of the Universe had to play her usual perfect role this in perfect miraculous way. She had to be masterfully magical, if you will. Ensuring that everyone left with a tale to tell of the Ijaws. Yes o!

As all estimates of the number of guests for the visit fell so far short, hosting challenges became genuine challenges from Her Majesty’s end. She needed the full deployment of her unique magical touch and everything came out perfect, if you ask me. About eighty combatants enjoyed that rare opportunity of being in the Palace of Agada IV on the said date which was the first day after the Ibenanaowei’s birthday.

The three-in-one group of the Lords of Discipline who came to Ekpetiama Kingdom was led by the Flag Officer Commanding (FOC) Central Naval Command, Rear Admiral SJ Bura. A highly trained, and highly decorated dark-skinned Admiral with visibly well exercised trim and fit, fit for purpose musculature, donning a perfectly laundered sparkling military camouflage. With the two hard to get stars of an Admiral at the right places on his uniform, coupled with the Admiral’s cap badge in place on his beret such that you could see from infinity, he exuded professionalism at its very best even in his looks. And as he spoke when it was time for that, in a few words he had stated the entire objective of their visit loudly and clearly. I am sure that most persons may not have noticed his eye glasses as they looked like he was born with them. Perfect fit, they were.

Air Vice Marshal TO Yusuf, the Air Officer Commanding, Mobility Command, another well decorated certified warrior of the blue skies, was the next in rank in the team. Wearing his blue coloured Nigerian Air Force smartly tailored number 4 dress, complete with his General’s red gorget patches on each of his perfectly laundered jacket’s collars, he evoked that cool calm unsettling Military Pilot’s presence in the Throne Room of the Palace of Agada IV yesterday. And interestingly, when it was time to exchange gifts, he did not forget to emphasize those memorable days at Burma Battalion in the Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna. Aren’t good memories made of those? I know that most persons would have to live twice to understand those coded words he said. But if you know you know. And you don’t know, then you do not know.

Rear Admiral JU Okeke, is the current Commander of the Joint Task Force (JTF) Operation Delta Safe. Let me say that he does not have to be seen by everybody. It is actually a no no no for anyone with an inclination towards committing crime. He is so rough and rugged, and fit for purpose that mere rumours of his appointment as Commander OPDS, all the criminally minded individuals in the general area have simply ran for cover. Call it permanent hibernation. The shape density of his moustache and the deep-set fiery eyes of his are enough to make one intending to be involved in any worth his attention crime to poopoo in his pants where ever he may be. You need to see this not so tall power packed fighting machine. Also donning a military combat camouflage complete with his specially made OPDS hand band strapped around his extra- large left upper arm, highlighting those biceps muscles of his, which seem to have since diminished Arnold Schwaznegger’s, stretching his folded sleeves to bursting limit, anyone who recognizes fitness would be tempted to say O MY GOD a dozen times at least. What a haa!

Short of saying it out, I said to myself that “the CDS, AFN 001, the only serving four-star General in the Nigeria today, General CG Musa of 38RC nailed it squarely. He appointed a square combatant into a square role. Wow!”

There were the principal officers of the Navy, Air Force and JTF OPDS formations where the Generals are currently holding sway. Younger and junior combatants who accompanied these senior officers observed with rapt attention. I am sure that they were reading my mind. I felt that their bosses, indeed all combatants, should serve till they are 65 or 70 years of age. Yes! Having trained to be so effective, why should military combatants retire before the age of 70? Why? Well-trained healthy combatants should stay on. Why not? Any stereotypical legislature in any moribund or antiquated colonial statute gathering dust somewhere should be dusted and changed for good. Africans are not Europeans. We are obviously much stronger. We are different – from – you know na.

In my response. I gave a brief on the historical significance of Ekpetiama in particular and the Ijaws at large. I also gave the true definition of an oil thief and explained how the use of that definition to guide our activities in Nigeria would within the twinkling of an eye solve all security problems of Nigeria, bar none. I emphasized that our dear country has been spending multiples of billions of Naira on a wild goose chase. Yes o! We have been chasing victims of oil thievery rather than the actual oil thieves who are feeding fat.

I also reminded them of how they saved Bayelsans in particular and other users of the East West Road during the height of the devastating flood of 2022. The air Force helped with airlifting of medicines, food, and other supplies, while the Navy protected and ferried millions of citizens across those portions of the road which were badly damaged at both the Delta and Rivers ends. I emphasized that Bayelsa State was isolated from the rest of Nigeria for several weeks. I requested that they get ready to collaborate with the Bayelsa State government as the 2024 flood approaches. The warnings we have received point towards an ultimate devastating flood this year.

I hope other bodies would sit up, this time.

Before we took our goodbye photos, I presented autographed copies of THE AFRICAN VOICE, ONCE A SOLDIER which elicited lots of excitement among the battles tested generals, as well as THE RIDDLE OF THE OIL THIEF, some of my titles. With Her Majesty’s KKF served complete with the right stuffs from the River Nun I am sure that yesterday has gone down appropriately in history of Africa for many reasons.

As the sound of the sirens dominated the afternoon air in Gbarantoru, signalling the departure of the Lord’s of Discipline from the Palace of Agada IV yesterday, a male eyewitnesses of the entire visit asked why our country Nigeria hadn’t introduced compulsory military training for all her citizens. And then quite surprising to me, before I could say a thing, came a middle aged lady interjecting with the same question. Well, what could I have said? I only laughed it off. And then as if all that was not a enough for one day, came a question that was apparently aimed at my very jogular for the kill. The lady asked: “has the darker officer married yet?” I looked at with a killer frown and simply asked her to go and ask whoever she was talking about. Conscience kpo fa!

As it is often said – wahala plenty for Nigeria, sha o!

*King Bubaraye Dakolo, Agada IV, is Ibenanaowei of the Ijaw Kingdom of Ekpetiama Clan

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