His Majesty King Charles III – Copyright Hugo Burnand/Royal Household
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King Charles and Queen Camilla: The much-awaited coronation event came to an end with the royal family appearing on the iconic Buckingham Palace balcony. Crowds cheered as they witnessed the newly crowned King Charles and Queen Camilla.

The Royals: The first set of the close royal family to arrive were Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie and their husbands. Along with them tagged Prince Harry whose wife, Meghan, stayed behind at their home in California. The group looked relaxed yet, Beatrice’s husband, Edoardo Alessandro Mapelli Mozzi, gave Harry a bit of encouragement with a pat on the back as they entered.

The Wales children – Charllote and Louis: The two youngest children of the Prince and Princess of Wales walked alongside their parents in the drizzling rain in London. Charlotte looked stunning and there were not too many antics from the young Prince at this point.

New King’s clothes: The King was then wrapped in a golden tunic and seated on the coronation chair, before the crown was to be placed on his head.

The Holy Bible
The King also swore his oath as a Protestant Head of the Church and kissed the Holy Bible for good measure.

As the King arrived, he did briefly pause next to his grandson. The new monarch is well-known for being a doting grandfather to all the children

The ceremony began with a welcome and King Charles accepted his willingness to take on the throne. Interestingly, after having over 70 years to prepare for this moment, the King read his few words from a sheet over his shoulder.

Crowning: The moment the crown was placed on the King’s head. This will be an iconic photo for years to come.

Change of costume: In another robe-change, the King was wrapped in a heavy-looking gold cloak and (finally) stood up to take a walkabout around the Abbey.

Queen Camilla
The Queen Consort was then crowned in a less grand affair. The crown was placed on her head and they are now know as ‘Their Majesties the King and Queen’.

The Consort Crown: Filled with emotions, the seemingly nervous Queen then took to her feet to amble behind her husband. She was crowned with the Crown of Queen Mary – the consort crown that was made in 1911.

Prince Williams, King Charles III and Prince George